1. I am thankful beautiful, growing family. I have a wonderful, amazing, Godly, supportive, loving husband who is also my best friends and the most amazing father I could have asked for for my children. I have a sweet, healthy little girl who is so full of vibrancy and life and a sense of adventure and fun that it's hard not to be completely taken in by her. I am waiting on a healthy baby boy, who I feel so blessed to be carrying, and who I know will fill our lives in ways that I cannot even imagine.
2. I am thankful for my extended family: my dad and sister and their people (and puppies for Clare to love on!) who love and support me unconditionally; for my aunts, uncle, cousins (and their kids), and two living grandmothers who I am so blessed to (mostly) live near and have real relationships with; all of Charles' family who, from the first time I met each of them, embraced me as one of their own.
3. I am thankful for friends: new, old, near, far, online, those I talk to every day, those I don't talk to often enough, those "pick up right where you left off" friends.
4. I am thankful for the gift of faith. I am thankful for Christ, His Sacrifice, His Church, His Sacraments. I am thankful for the 8 years I have been Catholic, for the chance to grow deeper in my faith, for the chance to raise my family in the Church, for countless blessings that have come into my life because of my faith.
5. I am thankful for all the stuff of life: a roof over my head, a warm place to sleep at night (and a cool one in the summer), for food security, for not having to worry about making ends meet. Not to mention all the first-world luxury stuff like getting to be a two car family, having my own washer and dryer, technology -- especially in the field of communications, etc.
6. I am thankful for opportunities. I am thankful for all the opportunities we have had this year for adventure, for travel, for family time, for new experiences, for chances to learn what I am made of. Mostly, I am thankful for the opportunities Charles has had, the rotations, the interviews, the opportunity to live his dreams and provide for his family at the same time. I am so eager to see what the new year will bring (but I guess that can wait 'til NYE).
7. I am thankful for the experiences I have had in life: education, travel, struggles, triumphs, sadness, joy. Each of those experiences has helped to make me the person I am today. My life is so rich and overflowing -- thus the overflowing heart today.
I am unbelievably blessed, beyond my wildest dreams. God has given to me abundantly and to Him I give all the glory.
Have a lovely, blessed weekend!