Joining Dwija at House Unseen for a 12-photo trip down memory lane.
This is one of the first pictures I took of both of my littles. And because January was apparently very January last year.
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Clare had such a good time riding the carousel with her cousins! I know I repeat it too often, but I love, love, love watching my kids experience things for the first time and see the joy/wonder/magic/mystery in their faces. It was also a great distraction from a whole lotta waiting.
My guys. <3. Peter Damien arrived on April 7. His birth was a little crazy, but definitely worth it. Bonus: one of my all-time favorite posts.
Big shoes to fill: I took these pictures of the kids in Charles' "student doctor" gear on his last day of med school.
The logical conclusion of a last day of school? Graduation!! That's Dr. Daddy to you, young lady!
Clare turned two and we started settling into life in Wichita. Six+ months in and so far, so good.
When I took this picture, I didn't have any idea how much Clare would love her tutus or how many pictures I would have taken of her in them. Ubiquitous, I tell you.
September saw us on the road. A lot.
October = pumpkins. N'est-ce pas?
Clare experienced her first snow. She is still obsessed.
Even though we spent Christmas in Wichita, it was a magical month of Clare growing in awareness of the sights and sounds (and real meaning, I hope) of Christmas.
And with that, I am ready to bid 2014 adieu. 2015, I have no idea what you have in store for us, but we're ready for you. Or at least as ready as we'll ever be!
Happy New Year!