Thinking about: Last week, Kelly wrote a great piece about Writer's Block, and in contemplating it, I've come to realize that I am suffering from Writer's Block's evil cousin, I-hate-everything-I-write-itis. I'm sure anyone who writes in any way has been through this, where you're not necessarily short on ideas, but when you try to write, it just comes off bla. Very bla. You're rambling. The point you're trying to make is just not getting made. Your humor is flat. Your voice is off pitch.
Anyway, diagnosing the problem actually makes me feel better. It explains why I just keep writing and rewriting drafts and never hitting publish. And it gave me a game plan:
First, I'm trying to push myself to keep writing and rewriting those drafts. Even if I'm not hitting publish, I'm honing my skills and working through thoughts.
Second, I'm doing what I do when my writing it at its best -- making myself write more posts about everything and nothing. More updates. More link-ups. More practice.
Third, I'm going to keep reading. Blogs and books and articles and anything I can get my hands on, which is my favorite thing to read anyway. ;-)
Hopefully, in a few weeks or months, I'll feel like I have my voice back and can get back to writing things I like. In the mean time, it means lots of pictures of the kids for the family.
Like this. |
Reading: I just got Unbroken off of the library's wait list, and I cannot wait to start it. I've heard great things!
Making: A new starter. I've really turned my bread making up a notch in the last few weeks. I'm excited to give sourdough another go.
In Residency: A week of nights. When Charles left last night, we were both already over it. Probably because it seems like he just did nights. And really, it was just a couple of weeks ago. This back-to-back service month thing, well, let's just say that I'm glad that it happened during Lent. It is very penitential. And, as if that was God's intention all along, Charles is off on the last day of the rotation which just so happens to be . . . Easter. Believe me when I say that I'll be excited to bust out the Alleluia! We all will be.
Clare likes eating meals next to Peter. |
Grateful for: Charles. In every way. Today is his birthday, so of course, I'm so so thankful for him, for him as my husband, for his fatherhood, for the ways he blesses those around him. I feel so blessed by each day I get to spend at his side. We had a little family celebration Saturday evening because of the whole night float thing, and it was lovely. Happy birthday, Honey!!
Birthday cupcakes |
New year, new fire pit |
Praying for: Charles on his birthday, of course. I'm also praying for a long-time family friend and his family, and especially for the soul of his son who died tragically over the weekend. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.
Happiest of Mondays.