Friday, March 6, 2015

7 QT Vol. 78

Joining Kelly and Crew.

1. Oh my gosh! Yay for flipping the calendar to March. February is hard for everyone. I get it. But for this desert transplant, the last couple of weeks have been brutal. To illustrate, this was February last year:

2. And this has been February this year:

3. I didn't manage much posting on the blog again this week, partially because I'm dragging myself through Night Float. Partially because I'm working on a little "spring cleaning" 'round here. I redid my header. Hopefully, a new, much-needed "About" page will go live this weekend. We'll see what's next.

4. I said this fall that I wasn't into the capsule wardrobe trend, but as spring is approaching, I might be eating my words. I feel good in my winter "momifom," of jeans, shirt, cardigan, and boots, but I think I need to find my "voice" so to speak in the spring/summer realm. Which seems really ironic, given that I've spent most of my adult life in a climate dominated by spring/summer clothing. But I do, so I think I might try putting a spring/summer capsule together. We'll see. I'll report.

5. Since Charles' next rotation is another service month on pediatrics, I did another month-long meal planning session and non-perishables shopping trip. It included Charles' birthday, Holy Week, and all of March's other liturgically important days. And then, suddenly, Easter will be upon us. With Peter's 1st birthday right on its heels (or, since his birthday is in the Octave of Easter this year, right smack in the middle of it). Um, February might have dragged, but I suspect March is going to fly.

6. Cute kids always qualify as a take, right?!?

Clare is hamming it up. Peter is unimpressed.

7. We will be celebrating Confirmation tomorrow night with our six Confirmandi and Bishop Kemme. Please pray for them. Veni Sancte Spiritus.

Have a lovely weekend!

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1 comment:

  1. I always find so much in common with you! like today, we have the same stroller!!!
    Hope the winter comes to a quick end for you guys and you get some sunshine!!


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