Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Week in My LIfe 2014 -- Friday

Previously: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Pager -- 1
Peter -- 2 (But that 11 pm bit was a killer!)
Clare -- 0


After a 4am feeding and dozing through Charles' alarm/getting up/getting ready, I "slept in" until 6:30 to try and kick this bug. Of course, I'm still congested and coughing, but at least I feel more human than I did yesterday.

Once everyone was up and moving, we decided it was Waffle Day. About once a week, I make waffles for breakfast. I think of my dad, pouring batter into the waffle iron, doling partial waffles out to hungry plates, eating my own food standing and cooking. It sounds like way less fun than it actually is. The only thing that would make it better is if I had a counter with bar stools for a bit more face time during the waffle process. :)

Food photographer in the making, no? NO.

By the time we were done and the kids were dressed, Peter was ready for a nap, so I put him down and got myself in the shower, dressed and cleaned up. I went into the kitchen to review/revise our meal plan for the week and write a grocery list, only to realize I hadn't done the breakfast dishes. I shifted my attention, got those cleaned up, and got down to meal planning and list making.

Since we're on it, here's my meal plan for the week (though order may change based on Charles' schedule). Also linking up with Nell for the first time, because I can:
  • Friday: Pasta (jarred sauce with added veggies) and garlic bread
  • Saturday: TBD
  • Sunday: Slow cooker chicken, green beans
  • Monday: Chicken tortilla soup, Bread (hopefully homemade)
  • Tuesday: Pork chops with apples and onions, spaghetti squash
  • Wednesday: Tacos, Lime rice
  • Thursday: Meatloaf muffins, corn

Zee list

By then, Peter was up, so we braved the grocery store. It was close to lunch time, but I prefer the store in the mornings, whenever possible. Plus, we were expecting snow Saturday. Growing up, the day before an expected snow storm, the stores were crazy. I have no idea if that happens here, but I didn't feel like finding out. Good news: the difference sun and no wind made in the comfort of being outside was tremendous. Yay! for not being as freezing!


Getting home from the store, we did a quick lunch and naps. Clare required a trip back to bed, but no real fussing, so no harm, no foul. I had lunch, watched a show, and got a little rest before Clare woke up. She was still groggy and snuggly, so we sat on the couch and read books while Peter continued to sleep.

And snuggle selfies

Once he was up, I decided we were going to go play in the basement for a change of pace. I decided today was the day, and straightened/organized the toy disaster in the basement. It was such a spur of the moment decision, that I blogger-failed and didn't get a before picture. So you'll have to take my word for it when I show you the after:

The kids had a blast in the now-useable basement (go figure), and played together for a good two hours, even after I headed upstairs to work on dinner.

Little brothers: messing with sisters' stuff since forever

Bedtime stories


Even though he was admitting patients, Charles was able to get out at 6ish and was home in time for a family dinner, even if it was a bit on the late side. We ate, and started getting the kids ready for bed. Clare was in the bath when I got Peter into his jammies, and I brought him in to "say good-night" before I nursed him and put him down. I "helped" him say "I had fun playing with you, Clare," and she responded totally spontaneously, "I had fun playing with you, too, Peter." Charles and I looked at each other with puddle eyes. We love that these two love each other.

Clare put on Charles' hat when he got home and wanted a picture.

The night wrapped up with dishes and Shark Tank and uncertainty about whether/how much snow was still in the forecast and a million pages and bedtime.

Coming up: Snow? Baking! Vigil Mass!

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