Linking up for the first time with A Mama Collective and Anna Kate for their "Currently" series. I love the opportunity for simple reflection. It might be just what the doctor ordered.
Thinking about: I'm trying soooooo hard not to obsessively ponder each movement, squeeze, ache, contraction, and sensation in my abdomen. I'm failing miserably. I've made it no secret that I feel impatient for labor and delivery and meeting my little man. I'm trying to trust God's timing for his arrival. I'm trying to trust my own ability to know and listen to and understand my own body. I'm trying to trust my body to do what it needs to when it needs to do it. It has before. I'm trying to trust the truth that I have time, in spite of my impatience. Mostly, though, I'm thinking about the new baby, what it means for me, for our family, and how excited I am for that stage of our lives to finally be here! (And how tiny and cute he'll look in his tiny cute wardrobe.)
Reading: The Diary of St. Maria Faustina. I'm working through it slowly, because my attention span is short (and my sustained reading time is shorter) these days. However, each entry gives me the chance to ponder and marvel at her ability to hear and trust God (even when she doesn't practice perfect obedience). I mean, I'm far from a mystic, and I'm not called to a contemplative vocation, but still, there is much to ponder. And I haven't even touched the Divine Mercy yet. Talk about food for thought.
Listening to: The sweet silence of nap time. And some distant birds on a glorious Arizona spring day.
Watching: More TV than I would like. I know that along side L&D, Survival Mode (aka the newborn haze phase) is right around the corner, and I know that cartoons (for Clare) are going to be a real part of it while we establish a routine with the little one, but still, I find myself flipping on the ol' tube in the late afternoons: for background noise, for distraction, for the heck of it. I've been on an HGTV kick (probably fueled in part by the endless loop of a conversation about our housing plans (still a work in progress) for the move to Wichita).
Thankful for: I am so thankful for my health and the health of this little man that allows him to take his sweet time making an appearance. And I am thankful for my sweet little girl who keeps me so busy and makes my heart so full every time she, well, does anything, really, but when she bares her little soul and gives me a hug or a snuggle or rubs my belly, I feel so thankful for the gift that is Clare. And for my loving, supportive husband who is as excited and happy to meet the baby as I am.