Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lent Wrap-up

When it comes right down to it, I'm not good at Lent.


I give stuff up with good success, and I do a good job of praying/going to Mass/whatever more for awhile. then the added stuff slips away, as it does for too many, too often. I know, at least, that I'm not alone in that.

This year was particularly bad. Between a late Easter, end of pregnancy discomfort, a toddler, the Match, moving plans, and Peter's birth, let's just say the last few weeks haven't felt like Lent. At all.

In spite of all that, I feel like it has been a fruitful Lent. I've identified places where I really need to work on my spiritual life, like trusting God with my heart (not just my words), and deepening my personal prayer life. I can continue to work on those, even without a Lenten mandate.

With those that in mind, I'll be entering the Triduum tomorrow prepared to make the most of Lent's waning moments, to make a trip to the confessional, to give thanks for all that I've received this season, to pray for continued blessings in the weeks and months to come, to reflect more deeply on Christs' Passion and His Mercy. I plan to unplug, at least somewhat, and I look forward to celebrating His Victory on Sunday.

May His peace be with you during these most holy days.

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