1. On Saturday, Clare and I (well, Peter too) drove through Starbucks on the way home from running errands. They poured her milk into a hot drink cup instead of a cold drink cup, so she was excited to have her first coffee "like Mama." I might have been more excited! ;-)
2. If this face doesn't make you smile, I don't know what's wrong with you. I love this little man so much -- he is so quick to grin or laugh, he brightens my day over and over again. It's just hard to stay down when you're surrounded by that kind of joie de vivre.
3. I was talking to my sister the other day about how, even a couple of years into parenting, and a couple of months into parenting a boy, I can already see the differences between raising boys and raising girls. I thought this little collage pretty much summed it up.
Boy + Ball; Girl + Fairy Wings |
4. I saw these college football rankings for the week on Monday and immediately thought that if this kind of stuff keeps up, the Territorial Cup (Arizona v. Arizona State) football game might be meaningful this year. Since we're a house divided, we're getting excited. I mean we already know who's tops in basketball (preseason #1, holla!), so a competitive football game is always fun!
5. Yesterday, we finally got a chance to carve a Jack-o-lantern. I'm a skilled and creative carving-artist (or, you know, not), and did the very original "smiley face." Clare didn't really understand what was happening while we were carving, but she loved seeing it lit up -- and played carve a pumpkin the rest of the evening, so win.
6. Clare is fighting a terrible case of the sniffles and has reached the age where I can't get her to smile for the camera. As a result, we have a lot of artistic "looking lovingly at the pumpkin/brother/wall" shots . . . and a lot of shots with her with her tongue out to "moisturize" her chapped upper lip. I am trying to keep lip balm/Aquaphor/whatever on it, but you know how it is when your nose is runny. Poor kiddo.
7. A preview of tonight: my little ballerina and Superman. We'll see how things this evening. We're expecting a good, Midwestern Halloween (read: cold), but it should be dry, so we're going to try to take the kids out for a bit when Charles gets home.
Have a lovely weekend! Happy (and safe and warm) Halloween today and Happy All Saints tomorrow!